My last post was some time ago, so I thought I would update everyone on my writing progress.
Um. Well. You see. It hasn’t been great.
I did participate in NaNoWriMo 2016, and I did win, so that was something. I wrote 50,000 words on a historical fiction novel set in Belgium during World War I. I’ve never written historical fiction before so it was a big stretch. I felt completely unqualified, but I pressed on and tried to stick with what I knew and avoid obsessing about the little details that I was sure I was getting wrong.
For most of the writing, I felt like it was terrible, but I thought there were some good moments here and there, particularly toward the end. (There was no end to the story. I just stopped at 50,000 words.) Perhaps one day I will read it again and try to edit it.
Since then, I have been telling myself that I will work on editing a fantasy novel I wrote in 2012 called Kubak Outpost. I haven’t gotten very far on it. I don’t seem to have a very good workflow for writing anymore. Since I’ve moved into my new house everything feels very temporary and chaotic and taking the steps necessary to make permanent work zones feels like a monstrous chore that I don’t know how to tackle.
Anyway. I’m attempting to move this blog to a different location. There should be no change for visitors, but it’s hosted somewhat differently. I’m trying to consolidate a bunch of disparate online things together so I can perhaps save some money and make things easier to administer. This is the first post under the new system, so we’ll see if it publishes correctly.