Dr. Who Season 7, Episode 4
Starting Episode 4 stream as soon as I find a working proxy… Ah, it’s working now. Starting the stream in a second… wait, maybe it’s not...
Starting Episode 4 stream as soon as I find a working proxy… Ah, it’s working now. Starting the stream in a second… wait, maybe it’s not...
Arr! 'Tis fittin' that I do be a'writin' about piracy on Talk Like A Pirate Day.
00:00 – Took forever to get the stream running tonight. 01:48 – Dr. Who in the Old West is just weird. 04:45 – His face still looks weird. 08:...
A Cavern of Black Ice by J.V. Jones was a hard read for me.
I really don’t remember how the last season ended, and I haven’t yet seen the Christmas episode. (Thank’s for nothing, Netflix.) 00:00 –...
Liveblogging Dr. Who stream on BBC thanks to a proxy … 00:35 – Sometimes it’s impossible to figure out what’s going on without rewinding...
I’m trying an experiment. You may have already noticed it. I’m going to post the text of my novel draft “Airworld” as I write it (more-o...
I would describe it more as an action-adventure with a fantasy flavor.
I’ve been distracted a bit by moving into a new place. Which is a flimsy excuse for not writing, to be honest. Even in the middle of moving, one can easil...
I forgot to do a status update in June, so this will be a two-month report. So, yeah, I haven’t written much. :) I’ve been playing The Secret World ...