It’s interesting to watch view statistics when you upload a series of videos to YouTube. You might think, as I do, that if you say, “I’m going to upload a series of videos to YouTube, one every day, and here’s the first one,” that people would know and understand how to find and watch the complete series if they’re interested, and you’ll get similar view statistics on each video. But you’d be wrong. The first video will get some views, if you have any followers at all, and then the remainder of the videos will get zero views because everyone will wander away and forget about you amid the rest of their busy daily lives. So from time to time you have to keep reminding people, on social media, or in blog posts like this one. :)
Anyway, in this video: Surprisingly good writing sessions. A week of NaNoWriMo, cutting off dying scenes, new characters help invigorate the writing, longest writing session so far, nervousness about writing female characters as a dude, the long-awaited dark side of NaNoWriMo (competition), running out of plot notes is going to make the rest of NaNoWriMo even harder.